Hello! My name is Shareena and I have been fascinated with animals ever since I was born. My mother was a veterinary technician and an active animal trainer, we were always spending time around animals, dogs, cats, horses, birds, reptiles, you name it.
I began horseback riding at age 3, and continued for the next 20 years of my life. When my journey brought me to Portland, I wanted a job working with animals. At first, I believed I wanted to follow in my mother's footsteps and be a veterinary technician, but soon realized I couldn't support myself and go to school.
I decided to get a job at a pet grooming shop with my extensive knowledge of dog breeds, as I had been obsessed as a child. My career had begun.
I am a nationally ranked and award winning pet stylist starting a mobile grooming service for the Arkansas River Valley.
After I left my first job in search of more knowledge, I began grooming with very little knowledge and was very proficient, and within 6 months of beginning my career I was brought to my first dog grooming competition in Tacoma, Washington, where my eyes were opened to a new world. I realized that there was so much more to learn than I had even imagined, and I was immediately thirsty for that knowledge.
Soon after, I began taking lessons with a local dog grooming friend. After our first lesson together, she encouraged me to continue and to look into competition as I had natural talent. The next competition she attended was in Las Vegas, so I drove with her and assisted her for the week to get an idea of what was behind the scenes.

I was hooked! I began taking lessons with one of Groom Team USA's traveling members and decided to compete the next year. In my first competition, I placed first in my Entry and third in the Group. Then, my competitive journey began.
Serving the Arkansas River Valley
In 2013, I attended 4 competitions, in Tacoma, WA, Las Vegas, NV, Chicago, IL, and Dallas, TX. At the end of the year, I was ranked 11th in the nation via Groom Team USA. I competed with Bichons, Kerry Blues, English Springer Spaniels, Poodles, and mixed breeds. I have also groomed Bichons for the AKC conformation ring.
Since 2014, I have been travelling all over the world and I have worked as a dog groomer in New Zealand and Australia. I currently reside in Salida, Colorado and plan on being here for a while! Mountains, rivers, dogs and sunshine, that’s all I need.
It is a journey, a path, a process, and an art in my life. I continue to be swooned by this practice, and find myself compelled and driven in the pursuit of knowledge and creativity.
I am now settled in the beautiful Arkansas River Valley where I am serving, Salida, Buena Vista, Canon City and Summit County.

Do you love a good deal? Do you love quality services, experience and convenience? Please message me for a quote!